A few smatterings of intrigue from Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday
One quote: “The obstacle in the path becomes the path. Never forget, within every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our condition.” - Page 7
This is so hard to live out of, especially when we face an obstacle that isn’t fair or that is downright unjust. Yet, we must see the obstacle as it is, not worse, not better. Don’t look at the sky and ignore it. Face it and resolve to find a way through it, because that is the way.
If you haven’t already, you’ll meet people who faced an obstacle, sat down, and haven’t moved since. If you’ve seen this happen, you’re probably seen how excepting defeat and wondering what “could have been”, has a way of breaking a person down. Often it will break them down more than if they kept trying, or at least require very unhealthy self-denial.
One practice - page 33
“Our brains compress the space between impression and perception. Think, perceive, and act, with milliseconds between them. But we can learn to question that impulse. We can disagree with it and override the switch, examining the threat before we act.”
Learn to create more space between impression and perception. It’s an asset for anyone managing stress (which let’s face it, who isn’t managing stress?).